Upcoming Legal Consultations

The Volunteer Attorney Program of New Mexico Legal Aid offers FREE one-time consultations to low-income New Mexicans during scheduled events. Eligibility guidelines apply to all events.

Statewide Teleclinics offer the opportunity to receive a consultation with an attorney over the phone. You must apply ahead of the scheduled event.

Legal Fairs offer the opportunity to receive an in-person consultation with an attorney. No pre-registration required. 

In 2024, VAP will be hosting many Legal Teleclinics and Fairs. For additional information call 1-877-266-9861 or email legalclinics@nmlegalaid.org.

Statewide Teleclinics (Consultations over the phone only)

Teleclinic Flyer 2024 Dates (Spanish)

Teleclinic Flyer 2024 Dates (English)_Page1Apply to receive a free consultation with an attorney over the phone! The Volunteer Attorney Program (VAP) in conjunction with the New Mexico State Bar Foundation’s Modest Means Helpline (MMH) offers free consultations over the phone, during scheduled Teleclinics.


Click here to apply for a consultation

Haga clic aquí para aplicar para una consulta


2024 FREE Legal Fairs (In-person consultations)

08-02-24 Socorro Legal Fair EnglishSocorro County Free Legal Fair

Friday, August 2, 2024

Free in-person consultations with an attorney from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Socorro County Courthouse  

200 Church St., Socorro, NM 87801

Bilingual attorneys and staff will be available

First-come, First-served

Areas of Law Served:

  • Divorce
  • Custody
  • Visitation
  • Child Support
  • Spousal Support
  • Paternity
  • Kinship Guardianship
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Creditor/Debtor
  • Wills/Probate
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Employment
  • Unemployment Benefits
  • Contracts
  • Immigration

For additional information or to request an ASL interpreter, please call 1-877-266-9861 or email legalclinics@nmlegalaid.org

**Help is contingent on volunteer attorney availability and area of practice. Financial eligibility criteria may apply**

Sponsored by: The Volunteer Attorney Program and the Seventh Judicial District Pro Bono Committee

08-02-24 Socorro Legal Fair SpanishCondado De Seocorro Feria Legal Gratuita

Viernes, 2 de Agosto, 2024

Consultas gratuitas con un abogado de las 10:00 a.m. a las 2:00 p.m.

Socorro County Courthouse  

200 Church St., Socorro, NM 87801

Abogados y personal bilingües estarán disponibles

Servicio Por Orden de Llegada

Áreas de Derecho Atendidas:

  • Divorcio
  • Custodia
  • Visitación
  • Manutención hijos
  • Manutención conyugal
  • Paternidad
  • Tutela legal
  • Propietario/Inquilino
  • Acreedor/Deudor
  • Testamentos/
  • Sucesiones
  • Poderes Notariales
  • Empleo
  • Beneficios de desempleado
  • Contratos

Para obtener información adicional o solicitar un intérprete de lenguage de señales Americano, llame al 1-877-266-9861 o envíe un correo electrónico a legalclinics@nmlegalaid.org

La ayuda depende de la disponilidad de abogados voluntarios y el área de práctica. Algunos criterios de elegibilidad financiera pueden aplicar

Patrocinado por: El Programa de Abogados Voluntarios y el Comité Pro Bono del Séptimo Distrito Judicial

08-23-2024 Lea County Legal Fair flyer English

Lea County Free Legal Fair

Friday, August 23, 2024

Hobbs City Hall

200 East Broadway, Room A301, Hobbs, NM 88240

Free in-person consultations with an attorney from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Bilingual attorneys and staff will be available

First-Come, First-Served

Areas of Law Served:

  • Divorce
  • Custody
  • Visitation
  • Child Support
  • Spousal Support
  • Paternity
  • Kinship Guardianship
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Creditor/Debtor
  • Wills/Probate
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Employment
  • Unemployment Benefits
  • Contracts

For additional information or to request an ASL interpreter, please call 1-877-266-9861 or email legalclinics@nmlegalaid.org.

**Help is contingent on volunteer attorney availability and area of practice. Financial eligibility criteria may apply**

Sponsored by: The Volunteer Attorney Program and the Fifth Judicial District Pro Bono Committee


08-23-2024 Lea County Legal Fair flyer Spanish

Condado de Lea Feria Legal Gratuita

Viernes, 23 de Agosto, 2024

Hobbs City Hall

200 East Broadway, cuarto número A301, Hobbs, NM 88240

Consultas gratuitas con un abogado de las 2:00 p.m. a las 4:30 p.m.

Abogados y personal bilingües estarán disponibles

Servicio Por Orden de Llegada

Áreas de Derecho Atendidas:

  • Divorcio
  • Custodia
  • Visitación
  • Manutención de hijos
  • Manutención conyugal
  • Paternidad
  • Tutela legal
  • Propietario/Inquilino
  • Acreedor/Deudor
  • Testamentos/Sucesiones
  • Poderes Notariales
  • Empleo
  • Beneficios de desempleado
  • Contratos

Para obtener información adicional o solicitar un intérprete de lenguage de señales Americano, llame al 1-877-266-9861 o envíe un correo electrónico a legalclinics@nmlegalaid.org.

**La ayuda depende de la disponibilidad de abogados y el área de práctica. Algunos criterios de elegibilidad financiera pueden aplicar**

Patrocinado por: El Programa de Abogados Voluntarios y el Comité Pro Bono del Quinto Distrito Judicial


Upcoming Legal Fairs: